Welcome to the La Rosa Wellness Program!
I'm so excited to lead you on this journey. Here's a few things to get you started:
Check your email for the welcome message. You will get regular emails from me encouraging you to grow in many ways. Be sure to whitelist emails from becca@larosawellness.com. Learn how to whitelist emails here.
Make sure you fill out the medical waiver here in order to participate in the program. La Rosa requires this for their records. Thank you!
Each Challenge Program has a group in this membership site. Visit this page to request to join your group. This network is a bit like Facebook with friends and limited number of groups for now.
Every month there is a new challenge and you can find it here.
Every one can participate in the program and earn points. Those with the highest points will win special prizes in the October Olympics. Learn some of the ways you can earn points here.
Passion and Growth members be sure to mark your calendars for 9:30pm EST Sundays for your weekly webinar!