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August 29, 2017


  Breakfast is one of my favorite meals of the day. Like you, I don’t […]
May 5, 2017

Spiralize Zucchini with Pesto

This recipe for zucchini noodles pesto sauce is packed with vegetables and flavor. Serves 4 […]
March 27, 2017


CHICKPEA VEGGIE ROLL-UP This recipe is easy, requiring just 30 minutes, plus simple ingredients and methods. Prep time: 5 mins Cook […]
January 1, 2017

Grilled Eggs in Pepper Bowls

Grilled Eggs in Pepper Bowls Serves 4 pepper cups  PREP  TIME: 5 min.  TOTAL TIME: 30 min.  […]
November 23, 2015

My Fav Thanksgiving Smells, Foods, Recipes & Giggles

  Thanksgiving is here! Boy did this year fly by or what?!! Are you looking […]
November 20, 2015

Science-proven Breakthrough Metabolic Workout!

WHY 17-MINUTES? And Why :30 second & :20 Second Intervals? Scientific research has shown that HIIT […]
November 16, 2015

Raw Chocolate Pudding

Raw Chocolate Avocado & Banana Pudding A simply dessert that you can dress up! Make […]